On Page SEO Techniques: How to Increase Website Visibility in Search Engines


On Page SEO Techniques
On Page SEO Techniques

If mentioned one by one, there are so many optimization steps so that the website can rank highly on the SERP. 

To make this practice easier, SEO techniques are divided into on-page SEO and off-page SEO. This time, we will discuss on-page SEO techniques in more depth.

This technique basically involves a number of optimization practices. 

Without worrying about complicated steps, follow our explanation below to understand this SEO strategy more easily. 

Let's get straight to the discussion!


What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO techniques are optimization strategies that focus on factors in website content and pages. The goal is to improve the quality of the content so that it is easier to read, both by readers and search engines.

If both are used for web optimization, what is the difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO? Both have differences in the location of optimization practices. On-page SEO refers to optimization activities within a site's content and pages. Meanwhile, off-page SEO practices actually focus more on external factors.

How to Optimize On-Page SEO

How do I start implementing on-page SEO techniques? According to how on-page SEO works, there are a number of optimization steps that are important to implement in the content and pages of the site.

These steps are an effort to help search engines and readers understand the context and relevance of the content. For complete details, see the explanation below!

1. Use the right keywords

Keywords are an important factor in on-page SEO optimization. Use keywords that are relevant and appropriate to the context of the content. With the right keywords, content can be more easily found by readers and more easily indexed by search engines.

However, it should be noted that this keyword optimization does not need to be done excessively. Entering too many keywords will actually be detrimental to the website. Search engines can detect content as spam, so it does not appear in SERPs.

2. Create a title and description that fit the context of the content

Website owners definitely want their content to be displayed with interesting titles, right? This is, of course, fine, but make sure the title still reflects the content of the content. This means that the title must be interesting without leaving out the context of the content.

The same thing also needs to be applied to content descriptions. With titles and descriptions that match the content, you can help search engines understand the content more easily. On the other hand, informative titles and descriptions will also influence CTR positively.

3. Use a simple URL

Avoid page links that are too long and complicated. Make sure to make page links short, reflect the content, and be clear. URLs like this will be easier for readers to remember, making them easier to search for.

Apart from that, also use keywords that are targeted in the content of the URL. This technique can increase the relevance of the page so that it has a higher chance of ranking at the top of the search results page.

4. Arrange content and pages in an organized structure

Structure is something that cannot be ignored when talking about website optimization. With an organized structure, readers and search engines can understand the content better. You can use headings and sub-headings to structure content.

Meanwhile, for website pages, adjust a simple layout design to make navigation easier. Avoid using themes or plugins that reduce the responsiveness of website pages.

5. Make sure the content quality is good

Are you sure the content created is of high quality? On-page SEO techniques also involve optimizing the quality of the content itself. Good-quality content can increase user engagement, which in turn can have a positive impact on site ranking.

Indicators of good content quality include being informative and relevant to the website niche. The language used is as simple as possible, so it is easy for readers to understand. That way, the content can be well received by readers and search engines.

6. Insert relevant internal links

On-page SEO techniques also involve linking practices. In this context, the linking referred to specifically refers to internal linking. This is link-building optimization that directs readers to visit articles or other content on the same website.

Internal links are used to help readers and search engines navigate a website. You can use internal links to provide references to more comprehensive discussions of related topics. However, pay attention to still using relevant anchor text so that it doesn't interfere with the quality of the content.

7. Pay attention to the use of meta tags

Help search engines understand the content by using the right meta tags. Meta tags, such as meta descriptions and meta keywords, are factors that cannot be missed in the search engine indexing process.

By using relevant meta tags, your content can be more easily understood by search engines. As a result, the content is considered relevant and can meet search engine standards to be recommended to users.

8. Optimize images and multimedia on site pages

Image and multimedia optimization are examples of on-page SEO optimization that are often forgotten. In fact, images are a vital visual aspect of a website, you know. By having images or multimedia support on the site, you can increase user engagement effectively.

However, this will not happen if images or multimedia actually hinder the site from working. Images that are difficult to load or make the site slow will make visitors uncomfortable and leave the website. Therefore, you need to optimize images on web pages.

How to? Adjust the format and size of the image. Avoid using large images on websites because they can take a long time to load. Apart from that, also provide alt text that contains relevant keywords so that the content can be reached through image searches.

That's all for our explanation of on-page SEO techniques and optimization steps. 

Hopefully, by understanding this technique, you can apply it correctly and get more website visitors.


Dibida is a blog launched with the aim of sharing well-parsed articles daily or weekly on technology, guides, and information worldwide.

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