Increase Your Traffic With These 7 Image Optimization Strategies

SEO Image Optimization
SEO Image Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a series of efforts aimed at increasing website visibility in the SERP. This also includes optimizing images in articles. Using the right image optimization strategy improves website performance and helps it rank at the top.

Apart from the positive impact on SEO practices, website image optimization can also provide many other benefits. Especially for business website owners, you should know more about image optimization and what the strategies are. 

Let's look at the complete explanation below!


What is image optimization?

Image optimization is the process of adjusting images to appropriate dimensions, formats, and resolutions to maximize website performance. Image optimization strategies include efforts such as changing file sizes and formats and adjusting aspect ratios.

To maximize SEO efforts, images also need to be optimized so that they can be identified according to the context of the content. Basically, search engines can only recognize content by identifying the text. However, this does not mean it is impossible to improve SEO performance with images and multimedia.

The use of images can be an attraction as well as an aspect that helps readers understand the content more easily. This certainly provides a good experience for readers. However, this cannot be simply understood by search engines.

You can help search engines recognize images as part of the content. The way to do this is by providing a description that fits the context and keywords targeted in the content. That way, images can also be displayed on search results pages and have the potential to increase site traffic.

Strategies for Optimizing Images for SEO

In this section, we will explain what optimization efforts are needed to use images as complementary illustrations on the site. The following are image optimization strategies that can maximize SEO practices:

1. Adjust the image file size

Image sizes that are too large can slow down site speed. Typically, sites with large images take longer to load. This will certainly have a negative impact on the user experience.

If the image file size to be used is large enough, compress it first. With lighter image sizes, loading times tend to be faster, and website owners can also reduce storage and bandwidth usage.

However, note that performing image compression can affect the quality of the image. The smaller the resulting size, the lower the quality of the image. So, consider the quality of the image as well before determining the desired compression size.

2. Set the image aspect ratio according to your needs

Where will you place images in the content? Check the location first and adjust it to the image dimensions. Dimensions, or aspect ratio, is the ratio of the long and short sides of an image in pixel size.

Using images with incorrect dimensions can slow down website speed. So make sure to know the drawing requirements, location, and dimensions.

3. Use keywords in image file names

The next image optimization strategy is to use keywords in file names. Usually, image files use random names. For example, see DSC2432.jpg or IMG989.jpg. Examples of names like this cannot be understood by search engines.

To provide context to an image, you can use targeted keywords in the image file name. For example, see how-to-install-plugin-in-wordpresss.jpg or wordpress-installation-guide.jpg.

4. Use alt tags

Alt tags are HTML tags that are useful for providing descriptions of images. This description is really needed to optimize images so that they are SEO-friendly. Apart from that, this description will also be displayed by the browser if the image cannot be displayed. That way, users can still understand the context of the image.

So that images can be identified according to the context of the content, you can also include keywords in the alt tag. On some site platforms, a menu is usually provided to edit the alt tag directly. However, apart from using this feature, you can also edit it with an HTML script.

5. Determine the right image format

  • PNG vs. JPEG: which is the best image format for websites? Actually, each image format has its own characteristics and advantages. The following are some examples of image formats and their characteristics, which you need to know:
  • JPG format: Image files in this format are supported by almost all devices and operating systems. Apart from that, this format also has a relatively small size, so it doesn't slow down the site's work.
  • PNG format: PNG images are suitable for use with images that are detailed or contain a lot of text. For example, banner images, infographics, and screenshots.
  • GIF format: This is the best image format for animation. However, it is relatively small and only consumes a small amount of bandwidth.
  • WebP format: Is the next-gen image format which is now preferred by search engines, it has the ability to compress image to lowest size without losing its quality. 

6. Save image files in the right directory

Next, an image optimization strategy that should not be missed is choosing a directory to save files. Avoid storing image files in a directory that is separate from the domain directory and website hosting.

Storing images in the same directory as hosting can increase the assessment from search engines. That way, the website can be more easily indexed and has a greater chance of being displayed on the first page of search results.

7. Provide relevant image captions

Providing captions to images can really help search engines work. Captions can provide context for the images presented on the website. For this reason, you need to provide relevant captions related to the uploaded content.

To make it SEO-friendly, you can also insert keywords in the image caption. That way, when users search with these keywords, the images you present will be displayed on the SERP.


Optimizing images is an important step in managing a website. By using optimized images, you can attract more visitors while making it easier for search engines to recognize your content.

This optimization involves steps that include adjusting file size, image format, keywords, storage location, and image captions. The lighter the image, the faster the site will load.

This can provide a pleasant experience for site visitors. Apart from that, with image optimization, you can also maximize your SEO efforts. Content and websites can be accessed not only via text search but also by image search.

Hopefully, this review of image optimization strategies for SEO can help you understand the importance of optimizing images on your website. Also, make sure to use images that are relevant and free from copyright.


Dibida is a blog launched with the aim of sharing well-parsed articles daily or weekly on technology, guides, and information worldwide.

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